Persian Alliance

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13 июня 2023  181

Beinopen Institute for Fashion Industry Development was established in 2015. It aims to interconnect and mutually align the garment manufacturing and the creative industries. Every year we hold the Beinopen Forum for the New Fashion Industry, it brings together up to 4,000 entrepreneurs to share best practices.

Our work methodology is the creation of post-industrial supply chains through the group strategies of Alliances.

What is a post-industrial supply chain?

The 2nd industrial revolution gathered industrial supply chains in the garment industry this way: «raw materials – thread – fabric – clothing factory – store». Mass production of goods resulted in overproduction of clothing.

The 3rd post-industrial revolution added an institution that influences the consumer: the fashion industry. A brand comes to life – as a hybrid product that includes not only a product, but also a technology of influence: a role model, brand history, opinion leaders.

The 4th eco-technological industrial revolution overcomes the dominance of transnational brands through the localization of creativity, production and recycling, new technologies of interconnectivity and conscious consumption.

What is Alliance?

It is the international community of entrepreneurs operating independently but coordinated by an architectural model of communication. The alliance includes many partners, but the key players are brands that bring together manufacturing and creative spheres. And understand the consumer.

The goals of the Beinopen Institute as of now are:

– to create the new language (ontology: terms, definitions and general provisions);
– to create the architecture (parametrization of models: components, connections and characteristics of the system);
– to create the digital twin of the Alliance, reducing transaction costs up to 30%. Through mutual benefit it is possible to take significant share of the market in the decentralized world of the future.

The objective is to create infrastructure hubs. Effective cooperation is in connecting entrepreneurs and cultural players.

We propose two projects in order to develop Iran-Russia relations:

To create a link between the community of manufacturers in Iran and the community of brands and the creative industry in Russia.

According to the Beinopen Institute, up to 25% of the most successful businesses in the fashion industry (international brands) have left or will leave Russian market. The overall market size is not less than 1,8 trillion rubles ($21,5 billion).

Potential niche in the market is 450 billion rubles. It cannot be occupied by the factories from Iran, Turkey, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It can only be filled through building an architecture of partnerships among retailers, brands, opinion leaders and international players in the manufacturing and fashion industries.

We propose to organize a Russian-Iranian hub that will create and develop partnership strategies among players. We can organize the first project sessions at the Beinopen Forum in November 2023.

Participants from Iran:
– associations;
– clusters;
– factories;
– designers;
– artisanal handicrafts;
– sourcing agencies.

Participants from Russia:
– Community of designers and entrepreneurs around the Beinopen Forum for the New Fashion Industry (Alexey Bazhenov)
– Retailers community (Bee Together exhibition, PROfashion magazine, Eurasian Investment Forum)
– Premium retailers community around the Russian Buyers Union (Elena Bugranova)

Benefits for Iran:

There are still several years left during which the 450 billion rubles market niche remains open. There are no such opportunities in Europe or elsewhere in the world. At the Forum we will be able to agree on a common architecture for interaction and to form an infrastructure cluster that will grow and successfully develop for decades.

To create a communication hub between the creative community working with new technologies of hybrid reality

«Garden City of Tomorrow», the collective exhibition of artists, could be devoted to three topics:

– Cultural heritage and digital future, popularization of VR technologies, development of thought of the artists, designers and artisans from different countries;
– Collaborative study of the concept of a city that is harmoniously integrated into nature;
– Popularization of new ecological principles of civilization development.

Target audience: residents of Tehran and Moscow, tourists. VR version of the exhibition will be available from other countries (through international PR and communities of international artists involved).

Duration: from 3 months. Audience: 20,000. Start date: 5 September. Location: Moscow.


The main effect is the international PR of Moscow and Tehran as a cultural and business hub. An effective marketing campaign should not be through pictures (all cities are the same in pictures), but through social, cultural and business projects.

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